Admission Process

The entrance procedure consists of:
  • The candidate and his/her parents visiting the College
  • An interview for the whole family with the Director
  • An interview with the candidate in English
  • An English exam (Cambridge English: First (FCE) )
  • Diagnostic tests in Mathematics and Science (in English)
The entrance exam has a cost. This cost is waivered for students from Secondary schools with which we have an admission agreement.

After the process is completed, candidates will receive notification of the outcome of their entrance exam. This notification will either:

  • offer a place to study at the College which includes details of the necessary conditions with which they must comply in order to register.
  • explain why the necessary requirements to study at the College have not been met.
In exceptional circumstances an award of a scholarship for academic excellence will be made.

To begin the admission process, or for further information, please contact the administrator on 56 19 82 43. 

Churchill College
Moctezuma 125, Col. San Pablo Tepetlapa México, D.F. CP 04620
Tel: 5619 8243